Sunday, January 4, 2009

damn, my feet are tired

It's my final day at the hostel before I move into the apartment and I will be very glad to have a more homey home base. The hostel is nice and all but there is no privacy and it's hard to just kick back and relax. I've been spending a lot of time wandering about. In general I leave the hostel about 9:30-10 and take a walk without a real plan of where to go. It's really nice in the morning here because no one is on the streets and you feel like you have the entire city to yourself. By noon the streets fill with Romans and tourists and things get a little hectic. Usually I've been returning to the hostel around 2-3 pm because my feet just can't take it anymore. All I can say is that I am so glad that I have months to explore this place because my feet cannot take the tourist lifestyle.
So far I have been to many, many churches. They are nice because not only are they beautiful but you can take a load off and just sit for awhile. I've gotten lost everyday and churches have really been my saving grace (pun intended). I can sit, look at my map and figure everything out and realize just how turned around I am.
Right now I am sitting in an internet bar in Trastevere. The bar is cave-like which I am kind of digging right now. I was going to try to find some lunch but gave up and am having beer instead. Everything feels better with a bit of beer in hand. I've had some amazing food, but I am still a little intimidated by going into a busy restaurant by myself and trying to order food. Most of my meals have been with my professors but I need to get over myself and quit being afraid of looking silly in a restaurant. At least I speak english, which a lot of Romans speak as well. I was at the Forum today and sat next to some Indian tourists and I thought about how hard it must be to not know the language and have to struggle along.
There is a cute little boy flirting with me in this bar (yay! kids in bars) and it's really perking me up. I'm so glad I'm here but I have to admit that it's a little overwhelming sometimes. I'm hoping I'll feel more settled with my own space. Supposedly Via del Serpenti (where my apartment is) is a really nice neighborhood. I hope not too nice, I do crave cheap food and seedy bars. I think that's it for now... time to chill and maybe get some food.


zelda said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like you've already explored a ton of the city. I bet it will be nice to have your own place, then. The Web team misses you!