Friday, January 2, 2009

I have arrived!!!

I'm in Rome! It is so amazing and beautiful here and I just don't know where to start.

My flights were completely uneventful, but I have to say Heathrow has a really weird set up. When the plane landed we were let off onto a bus which took us to the terminal. I don't know if Terminal 5 is still a work in progress but it was really weird. My flight to Rome was only 2-3 hours and I slept through most of it because I didn't really sleep on my long-ass flight from Seattle to Heathrow. In comparison to Heathrow the airport in Rome seemed kinda ghetto. Heathrow had a bazillion fancy shops and everything looked brand new and shiny. Fiumincino was kinda dingy and worn down by comparison.
All my fears about my debit card not working were unfounded. I was able to get money for my taxi fare and hostel pretty easily although I do seem to have a 200 EU limit on how much I can take out. The drive in was crazy.... everything they say about Italian drivers is true. That guy drove fast!!!
I was completely lost the entire drive in and was a little nervous when he pulled up to a deserted street. But I found the door to my hostel, they rung me in and all was well. I was so exhausted when I arrived that I thought about going straight to bed (it was about 7pm) but decided I needed to eat something first. The nice desk lady gave me directions to a closeby food place where I got a pizza like thing on foccaccia with prosciutto and cheese. It was basic but good and even though I tried to order in my extremely limited Italian, the girl behind the counter answered in English and saved me from embarrasing myself. I really hope I pick it up quickly because there is so much going on around me and I want to follow it all.
I came back to the hostel and crashed pretty quickly after that. I have two Spanish girls in the room with me who seem to understand English but aren't too talkative. I woke up in the middle of the night and it was so dark in my room I was afraid that if I got up I wouldn't be able to find the door. So I just laid there and eventually fell back asleep.
Breakfast was basic but with good, strong coffee. The women at the hostel (it's women only and in a 17th century convent) seem to be half Italian and half from elsewhere. I have to admit it was nice to hear some English. It made me feel a little less isolated.
I have no real plan for the day today (my birthday) except to wander around and try not to get too lost. Tonight I will go out for dinner with my professors. Hopefully I'll finally experience some quintessiential Italian food.
I've been taking pictures but I don't think I'll post them until I move into my apartment on Monday... until then!


Kimberly said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm glad you got there safely and are settling in nicely! I can't wait for the pictures :)

tetragami said...

Happy Birthday Jess! It's good to hear that your trip is starting off well, and I'm looking forward to pictures and adventures and seeing you come back.

By the way, this is Karyn.